About Me


Hi There!

I’m Gina, or Georgina, if we’re being formal. I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary, in the Computational Media Design program.

By training, I am a qualitative researcher. I study how people interact with each other, how they interact with tools and technologies, how they interact with spaces, and most often, how they interact with processes and systems. I study these interactions so that we can design better technologies, spaces and systems. My research helps to build technologies, spaces and systems that empower individuals and improve health.

By nature, I am a storyteller. I love to explore the different ways a story can be told. Past projects have allowed me to explore the worlds of animation, environmental storytelling, theatre, film and stand-up comedy. I am always on the lookout for new ways of sharing ideas and I love to collaborate. If you have a project you think I might be interested in, do not hesitate to get in touch!


Georgina (Gina) Freeman